About Us
Since the inaugural presidency of Brigadier General Caswell Boyd in 1924, NGATN has marched with the Tennessee National Guard to attain the objectives and goals of military preparedness that we presently enjoy. The following history of NGATN is furnished to better acquaint you with the past and present accomplishments that have taken place in our Association. Your continued participation and support will assist us to write new chapters in the future.
To promote and support adequate National Security; to promote the common welfare of the members of the Tennessee National Guard; to promote the Association, by friendship, understanding, and cooperation among all members; and to foster and promote the National Guard Association of Tennessee and the National Guard Association of the United States in our relations with the general public.
NGATN is governed by its Officers, consisting of a President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer (Executive Director), and eleven Executive Council Members. The officers, except the Secretary/Treasurer (Executive Director), are elected biennially. The nineteen Executive Council Members consist of: one Active Field Grade (MAJ, LTC, COL, BG, or MG) of the Tennessee Army National Guard, from each Grand Division of the State (East, Middle, and West); one Active Field Grade (MAJ, LTC, COL, BG, or MG) of the Tennessee Air National Guard, from each Grand Division of the State; one Active Company Grade Member (2LT, 1LT or CPT) of the Tennessee Army or Air National Guard, from each Grand Division of the State; one At-Large Retired Member (any commissioned or warrant officer) of either the Tennessee Army or Air National Guard from each grand divisions of the state; and one Warrant Office from each grand division of the state. These Executive Council Members are elected during the Annual General Conference of NGAT, and serve for a four year period.
There are six classes of membership in NGATN. ANNUAL –any active Officer or Warrant Officer of the Tennessee National Guard who pays annual dues; LIFE –any Officer or Warrant Officer of the Tennessee National Guard who pays a lifetime dues, HONORARY –the Governor of Tennessee, a member of the State Congressional Delegation, or any other person deemed proper by a majority vote of the Executive Council; ASSOCIATE –enlisted personnel of the Tennessee Army or Air National Guard, and any person that holds a reserve commission or warrant in any branch of the Armed Forces, for the purpose of participating in the NGATN Group Insurance, AFFILIATE –any other person, approved by the Executive Council, who is interested and dedicated to the purposes of the Association upon payment of annual affiliate membership dues; and CORPORATE –any company, firm, organization or corporation approved by the Executive Council who is interested in the purpose of NGATN may be selected for this type membership.
Servicemen Group Life Insurance; Post and Base Exchange privileges; Initial uniform allowance plus periodic maintenance allowances; Re-employment rights and job protection; Retirement Program at age 60; Survivors Benefits; Authority to establish Individual Retirement Accounts; Withholding of Premiums from drill pay for the NGATN Group Insurance Program; Modern equipment and training facilities.
State Active Duty Pay and Allowances, based upon Active Duty pay tables for grade and years of service; Free National Guard Vehicle License Plates, for all Enlisted Grades, regular price for all Officers; Workmen’s Compensation, for injuries sustained on State Active Duty in Tennessee; Ten (10), $3,000 scholarships earmarked for Spouses and Children of Active Annual or Lifetime Members of NGATN. A Group Term Life and Cancer Insurance Program, for Active, Life and Associate Members of NGATN; A “grassroots” Legislative Actions program, which is second to none; Annual donations to the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Tennessee (EANGTN), for the purpose of enhancing their membership; Annual donations to the Military Department of Tennessee for the purpose of sponsoring different Tennessee National Guard events; An extensive annual NGATN Awards Program.
You have the opportunity to take advantage of an outstanding Group Insurance Program which is available and sponsored by NGATN. Premiums may be payroll deducted from your monthly National Guard paychecks; there are no exclusions to this policy (No War Clause, No Suicide clause, No Aviation Exclusion, No Riot Clause, and No Hazardous Duty Restrictions). In other words, it covers you twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a years, regardless of the cause of death. Available coverage range from $10,000-$50,000 on the Guard member; $5,000 or $10,000 on each Dependent; and $5,000, $10,000 or $25,000 on the Spouse. Spouse and Dependent coverage may be continued at the same premium after the death of a Guard member! NGATN provides $10,000 coverage to each new accession in the Tennessee National Guard for the first twelve months of their enlistment or appointment, and free $1,000 coverage to all active members of the Tennessee National Guard.
Annual Dues of the Associations must be paid on a calendar year basis (January 1, through December 31, each year). Annual dues are based upon the pay grade of the applying member. With payment of these dues you become a member of two organizations, the National Guard Association of Tennessee (NGATN), and the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS). As a dues paying member of these organizations, you will receive a monthly subscription to the National Guard Magazine, a Newsletter prepared by NGATN.
How can you participate? By attending the Annual General Conferences of NGATN and NGAUS and becoming involved in their affairs; by actively campaigning for positions of leadership and directorship in both Associations; by serving on committees of both Associations; and by payment of your annual dues to both Associations, which are used to support the diversified activities and programs sponsored by each.