Surviving Spouses
When members of our Guard pass, NGATNIT continues to care for their families. Qualifying spouses and dependents of the Tennessee Fallen have the option of continuing their current coverages at the same rates.
SSLI (Group Term Life Insurance)
- Surviving Spouse SSLI Policy Continuation Form
- NGATN/AFBA SSLI Bank Draft Form
- Email to:
- Fax to: (615) 833-9173
- Mail to: NGATN, Attn: Alicia, 4332 Kenilwood Drive, Nashville, TN 37204
- Questions? Contact Alicia at or (615) 833-9100

Spouses who continued their SSLI policies may convert coverage into Whole Life policies at Age 60 and 65-with NO HEALTH QUESTIONS-that cover them through Age 121! Visit the SSLI Conversion Page to begin building cash value on your policy today.
Contact Amanda Miller at USBA at (800) 368-7040, ext. 379.
Washington National / Conseco / Vulcan Cancer
If you hold a Cancer Policy with Vulcan, Conseco, or Washington National, please be advised that Vulcan was bought out by CONSECO, CONSECO was bought out by Washington National, and Washington National was bought out by American Equity. American Equity will handle all Conseco, Vulcan, and Washington National Cancer Claims.
For Questions about your Cancer Indemnity Insurance policy or to file a claim, please contact:
Gay Colyn at American Equity at (888) 221-1234, Ext. 1756

Moved?Name Change? Married?Divorced? New Child? Children 21 or 23? New Beneficiary? Visit our Policy Service Page today to ensure your policies are updated.
Need to file a claim? Visit our Claims Page for forms, contacts, and step-by-step instructions.